April 21, 2013

The Manchester Diaries: Episode 4: Hulme. Welcome to my neighbourhood.

Today I want you to come with me for a stroll around my neighbourhood. I've settled in Hulme area. It's not what the majority of people would call a beautiful place... 
However, in a certain sense and to some extent, I'd say it is. Yes. It is.
Or, at least, I can see a kind of beauty which I do really appreciate, as raw as it is.
I hope you'd guess why.
Stretford Road with Shawheat Close
Upper Moss Lane with Stretford Rd
More Stretford Rd
The gardens behind my bus stop
The Zion Centre opposite Hulme Park
Hulme Park (side view)
 History of the area written on the ground of Hulme Park
Hulme Library
And eventually, for those of you who have come to this end, here you have the poem written in the ground of Hulme Park:

This is 
where you are
and everything that's ever been
a memory stored within
your skin,
rocks and water,
moon and sun,
cobbled streets under ancient hills
and mills
and chimneys billowing.

Vertical villages
for shimmering pilgrims
a grand central station
for each of our tribes
who made their migration,
carved better lives, from
days dark as pitch.
Enslaved by the rich...

We have simply survived.

I can smell the coil and the misery of the very first industrial revolution working class, can't you? 

April 6, 2013

The Manchester Diaries: Episode 3: The Northern

I did eventually arrive. Music was everywhere. And also there was kind of such a sense of freedom and alternativeness that I couldn't avoid thinking that I had found my place in the city. Gonna be The-New-Girl-In-This-Town.
Oldham Str. with Picadilly Gardens: The beginning of Another World

Blue Rinse Vintage Clothing

The Northern Cuttler. May I have my hair cut there soon?

Kind of a theatre-coffee-shop-awesome place in Affleck's.

Lowdown: Best Small Event Award 2012 & 2013

Sincerely, have u ever seen something like that????

April 2, 2013

The Manchester Diaries: Episode 2. On my way to the Northern Quarter

Took my time to make my own drawing of the Town Hall :P
A view of Princess St.

A backstreet near Chinatown





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A view of Picadilly Gardens

Portland St ? (sorry, can't seem to remember)

Last Saturday I went out in the morning and spent at least seven hours wandering around the city. 
Its colours, textures and structures seem so gorgeous to me...I find a contemporary artwork wherever I look at. Here you have some of the pics I captured in my way to the city centre (this time I took an alternative route). My aim was to arrive to a photograph exhibition at Lever St. I never arrived, though. I mean, I arrived to the street, but got unavoidably stuck in the Northern Quarter. 
However, you'd have to wait a little more for those pics... ;)
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