April 2, 2013

The Manchester Diaries: Episode 2. On my way to the Northern Quarter

Took my time to make my own drawing of the Town Hall :P
A view of Princess St.

A backstreet near Chinatown





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A view of Picadilly Gardens

Portland St ? (sorry, can't seem to remember)

Last Saturday I went out in the morning and spent at least seven hours wandering around the city. 
Its colours, textures and structures seem so gorgeous to me...I find a contemporary artwork wherever I look at. Here you have some of the pics I captured in my way to the city centre (this time I took an alternative route). My aim was to arrive to a photograph exhibition at Lever St. I never arrived, though. I mean, I arrived to the street, but got unavoidably stuck in the Northern Quarter. 
However, you'd have to wait a little more for those pics... ;)

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