January 26, 2012

Introducing Eleanor

Today I'd like to introduce you Eleanor. She is an eighteen-year-old girl who works full time as a fashion photographer, but whose work I find rather unconventional. What I find fascinating about her is the strenght she shows when speaking about her inner world, her inspirations, the images she has in mind, her creative process. I mean, she might seem quite pedantic while speaking about "the multicultural influences of her conceptual work" but (oh my God!!) she is only eighteen...
Most of all, I love the way she has firmly decided to create her own environment to inhabit. I have found in her the living proof that sometimes reality can be constructed by dreams, and I was delighted when hearing her pronounce the following words: "I'd like to make the unreal seem real, because nobody questions the reality of a photo".
I can give you the reference of a seven-hundred-forty pages book published by a professor of a prestigious university that speaks about the fenomenology of image and takes exactly the same assertion as starting point.
The video has been taken from Monki's webpage, where you can find more about Eleanor and other young and creative people known only by a minority. I feel very much fortunate when thinking they are in this world to generously share their wealth. 

January 22, 2012

Electric Blue

I´ve been obsessed with these buildings for months.

I pass ahead of them twice a week in my way to the gym. Well, I don´t do exactly that, because I can´t avoid standing there to observe the ensemble (while people stand there staring alternatively at me and the buildings, wondering what the hell I'm so fascinated with).

Obviously, the answer is light. It´s always changing and the effects it creates are just mind-blowing, absolutely surrealistic: I feel then as if I were the main character into a Tim Burton´s film (I´m thinking about Gotham City, of course).

You may say that these pictures are not real, and you're right: I've been playing with some edition software. But I can tell you that's exactly the way I see that place in my mind.

So sometimes technology offers us this kind of wonderful opportunities: for example,  showing the others the landscapes of our inner world.

I hope you all have had a happy sunday.

January 15, 2012

Eyes wide shut

It's been a week to come back to work. To relearn to say good bye to my free time. I'm aware how easy it is for me to come back to this way of living again, how habituated I am to put my attention on external objects and tasks, forgetting my personal needs.
It's like this picture, a present of a painter friend, Helio Gogar. I think it's unfair that so few people had the opportunity to enjoy it until now. It makes me reflect. That's the reason why I'd like to share it with you all: so that she ceases to be so alone and absent, so that her eyes are no longer so empty, so distant from her own beauty.

January 6, 2012

My Three Kings Day

I definitely adore Three Kings Day. Although I'm not a child any more, the first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is to put on a golden cardboard crown. Then, I go to the kitchen to cut the rosco. For those of you that may not know what the hell a rosco is, it is kind of a huge donut with sugar and candied fruits on the top. Some of them are also filled with cream, but at home we prefer the plain version. Each rosco has a hidden prize inside, like a tiny china doll or things like that.

You may not believe me if I tell you that I have won this prize each year since I can remember. That means that I have a remarkable collection of strange tiny objects at home. They make me happy. I absolutely love them: I feel I'm so lucky each time I find one of this things inside my piece of cake!!

Here you can see my rosco as it looked like in the morning: the prize was exactly where it should be (into my portion ;) and you can see it in the second photo. It's like a little buddy with his bicycle, and it has a magnet on the back. Isn't it lovely?

And finally, here you have some photos of my Three Kings' presents. A mind blowing digital camera with interchangeable lens, and a really special camera bag (it´s a limited leather made edition that imitates phyton skin). I think that the detail of the monkey in the strap is stunning...

Although, if I'm honest, this camera bag has not exactly been a present...I bought it myself some months ago...when I thought I'd had some time to dream again, after a whole year of very hard work. However, there was no summer for me...

But now the moment has arrived. 

Happy day to you all.

Definitivamente, adoro el día de Reyes. Aunque hace mucho que dejé de ser una niña, lo primero que hago al levantarme es ponerme una corona de cartón dorado. Luego bajo a la cocina a cortar el rosco. Para quienes no sepáis qué demonios es un rosco, se trata de una especie de donut gigante con azúcar y frutas confitadas por encima. Algunos están además rellenos de crema, pero en casa preferimos la versión sencilla. Cada rosco tiene un premio escondido en su interior, como por ejemplo figuritas de ceránica o cosas así.

Puede que no me creáis si os digo que he ganado el premio cada año desde que tengo uso de razón, lo que significa que acumulo una notable colección de figuritas extrañas en mi casa.  Me hacen feliz. Me encantan: me siento muy afortunada cada vez que encuentro una en mi pedazo de roscón. 

En las fotos podéis ver la estupenda pinta que tenía mi rosco esta mañana: el premio estaba exactamente donde debía (en el trozo que yo me serví ;) y podéis verlo en la segunda foto. Es como un niño con su bicicleta, y tiene un imán detrás. No es precioso?

Finalmente, aquí tenéis unas fotos de mis regalos de Reyes. Una cámara digital alucinante de lentes intercambiables, y una funda muy especial (es una edición limitada hecha en piel que imita pitón). El detalle del mono en la correa me parece impresionante...

Aunque, si soy sincera, esta funda no ha sido exactamente un regalo de Reyes...Me la regalé a mí misma hace unos meses, justo antes del verano, cuando creía que tendría algo de tiempo para volver a soñar, tras todo un año de trabajo durísimo. Sin embargo, no hubo verano para mí...

Pero ahora el momento ha llegado.

Feliz día a tod@s.

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