February 25, 2012

Two things I love

Today I have dedicated some hours to wander around some places of the city that I still hadn´t had the opportunity to visit. The temperature has reached 22 degrees celsius during some moments, so I could have been roaming forever if I hadn't had the need to go to the toilet and eat something...Actually, when I arrived home it was five o'clock in the afternoon and I was literally starving..
Nevertheless, it was worth it, for I have discovered a really charming place in the old part of town: it's kind of the temple of scrapbooking and stationery handcrafts. It's called Satwa, and right there a girl called Iris treated me very kindly and showed infinite patience when I asked her what was all the stuff they had there for. Believe me, there you can find such beautiful things you couldn´t imagine to exist.
Later on, as I returned home walking through the Alameda, I came to know a new little friend called Babas, a three-month-old French bulldog: isn't it cute??

Hope you all have had a nice saturday!!

February 24, 2012

Better late than never

My first week in Valencia has been quite exhausting, trying to adapt myself to new places and routines and to solve many not-so-little logistic problems. However, a clear bright sky has risen over my head everyday, giving me the certainty that everything was going to be all right in the end. And it has been exactly that way. 
Nevertheless, I wouldn´t like to start the weekend without a post specially dedicated to my English classmates in Oviedo. The last day we were together was St. Valentine's Day eve, and we were talking about the traditions developed in different countries to celebrate this date.
So now I would like to send you all my particular present, for when I saw those cupcakes last saturday I couldn't avoid thinking about you inmediately. Miss you and don´t forget you. Have fun (as usual)!!

February 14, 2012

Diseño al cubo

During my first contact with Valencia City I had time enough for a quite long walk around my prospective new neighbourhood and I realized I was on the real melting point of fashion and leisure. I found some alternative locals which were actually art galleries where you could have a delightful cup of whatever...
However, I specially loved a place called Diseño al Cubo, which was not a pub but an art and design gallery where creators of all sorts of beautiful things (from crafts to paintings, including catchpenny, bags made of recicled tins, clothes, etc) could expose and sell their work. Each creator is given a cube (I mean: a cubic space in a shelf) to show its production for a month. Then, the cubes must be delivered to new artists coming. In addition, they have a central space where they install the main gallery show. Each new show is celebrated with an opening ceremony which seems to attract a pretty good amount of interesting people around. You can see some images and learn more about this iniciative in www.disenoalcubo.com.
Finally, I'd like to show you the skull bracelet I bought: it was made by a girl called Patricia Fontes, whose brand name is Nipatinipami (Mediterranean Catchpenny). I kind of like the feeling of knowing who has created something I'm wearing...

Hope you all have had a pretty good monday: mine has been quite long but finally I could accomplish an amount of things to do before definitely leaving in a couple of days...
I promise to report all my new discoverings!!

February 6, 2012

Cupcake Valencia

Those of you who are occasional readers and may not know me probably don't know that I'm moving to Valencia for the next three months to join a research team in Clinical Linguistics at the University. 
I'm really excited about it, so here you have the images that metaphorically best define my arrival to this luminous city. I feel like if it were a delicious bright-coloured cake waiting for me to take a pretty good bite...
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